Syndrome du canal carpien

Module 5. Acupuncture expérimentale

Ural 2017 [1]

Streitberger 2007 [2].

Napadow 2007 [3,4]
Maeda 2013 [5,6]

Olivier Goret & Johan Nguyen


  1. Ural FG, Öztürk GT. The Acupuncture Effect on Median Nerve Morphology in Patients with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: An Ultrasonographic Study. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2017. [195922]. |doi |
  2. Streitberger K, Eichenberger U, Schneider A, Witte S, Greher M. Ultrasound measurements of the distance between acupuncture needle tip at p6 and the median nerve. J Altern Complement Med. 2007;13(5):585-92.   [146375]. | doi |
  3. Napadow V, Kettner N, Liu J, Li M, Kwong KK, Vangel M, Makris N, Audette J, Hui KK. Hypothalamus and amygdala response to acupuncture stimuli in carpal tunnel syndrome. Pain. 2007;130(3):254-266.   [142918]. |doi |
  4. Napadow V, Liu J, Li M, Kettner N, Ryan A, Kwong KK, Hui KK, Audette JF. Somatosensory cortical plasticity in carpal tunnel syndrome treated by acupuncture. Hum Brain Mapp. 2007;28(3):159-71.   [141301]. |doi |
  5. Maeda Y, Kettner N, Lee J, Kim J, Cina S, Malatesta C, Gerber J, Mcmanus C, Im J, Libby A, Mezzacappa P, Morse LR, Park K, Audette J, Napadow V. Acupuncture evoked response in contralateral somatosensory cortex reflects peripheral nerve pathology of carpal tunnel syndrome. Med Acupunct. 2013;25(4):275-284.   [170032]. |doi |
  6. Maeda Y, Kettner N, Lee J, Kim J, Cina S, Malatesta C, Gerber J, Mcmanus C, Im J, Libby A, Mezzacappa P, Morse Lr, Park K, Audette J, Napadow V. Acupuncture-evoked response in somatosensory and prefrontal cortices predicts immediate pain reduction in carpal tunnel syndrome. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013.  [166793]. |doi |


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